Thursday 22 March 2012

Fruit of My Labor

OK OK clearly this was not done on a napkin.  Today however I wanted to show how helpful and awesome this whole napkin art thing is. For those of you who have read some of these posts you may know I am in the process of writing a iOS video game. Last week I posted some napkin art that I did on a few off minutes at work. The content was a couple of rough ideas for a couple characters in the game. I got some very positive feedback about 2 of my sketches and some negative feedback about one and to be fair I agreed with the negative one. The point is that this forum gave me some input on something i have been working on solo and I found it refreshing, helpful and quite honestly relieving to hear that the support was there.  So thanks for that.

From there I also wanted to give you guys a peek at what a more polished product looks like but still starts here in the sketch and test phase. Keep in mind this may not be the final character design for this dude but I am confident it is not going to change too much. Either way I thought it might be interesting for people to see the current product of this;

So again thanks in general for humouring me and allowing me this forum to test out ideas and generally have fun with it and please any and all criticism is welcome positive and negative (as long as it is still constructive).

-Napkin Art Hero

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