Monday 23 April 2012

Windy Day

I was having an exceptionally good day last Monday and stopped at the drake hotel to have a pint on the patio.  Well it happened to be an exceptionally windy day as well and people were losing salads, hats, menus, the whole nine yards. As a group the patio inhabitants all bonded over this and it was like a mini party it was quite fun as often times in city life everyone gets caught up in their own drama. Well I had my sketch book out and tried to capture a little bit of the spirit of the day. the cool part was that during and after the sketch I had a bit of an audience and the drawing was kind of passed around the patio. I find that 80-90 percent of life is unremarkable and predictable but if you can get the most out of that other 10-20% and really appreciate it... well for me that is what life is all about, the 10% thats exceptional.

Just a random thank you to all the people in my life who contribute to the exceptional.

-Ryan Jack

The Kind Of Church I Can Get Behind

This group of napkins is from a great new apertivo bar at Queen and Dovercourt. I have a couple of good friends who work there one of whom designs their excellent cocktail menu and the other who looks excellent in a cocktail dress.  But if you live in the area I highly suggest stopping by for a great experience. if nothing else just check out the design of the bar which, surprise surprise, used to be a church.  The church website is and they can also be twitter stalked @ChurchApertivo.

-Napkin Art Hero

Documentary Still Life

Here is a hasty sketch of Mr. Nyce drawing the previous post. Ya that's right i just went Meta on ya there.  Never know what you are going to get when dealing with someone who is a napkin art hero. And now that i think about it, is it a cityscape if there is only one building?  Hmmm. Food for thought.

-Napkin Art Hero

Guest Art Again

I can not stress this enough people send me ur napkins. take a pic with your phone go to kinkos and have it scanned in use smoke signals to describe it too me whatever but lets get some variety up in here.

That being said Neddy Nyce returns by popular demand with a nice little cityscape once again he can be found at or can be twitter stalked at @2nycephoto.

-Napkin Art Hero

Pic-uh-nick Basket

Oh yogi bear. good times. never saw the new one they did recently. Wasn't Justin Timberlake BooBoo? weeeiiiird.

Also really dig this tree it worked out waaaaaay better than i thought it wood. he he get it wood not would.... come on, it wasn't thaaat bad.

-Napkin Art Hero


so ya, just realized I posted that last one before but you know what I like it so I am not gonna take it down, you are just gonna have to deal.

-Napkin Art Hero

Hey Here Is Something New

Or, you know, Not.  What can I say I like to draw roses.

-Napkin Art Hero