Monday, 23 April 2012

Upload Update

So for anyone who actually reads this blog I just felt like "getting real" with you for a moment. uploading and posting the high rez versions of this napkin art takes a little bit of time. not crazy long but enough that you get bored if you have... say... i don't know... a month's worth of backlog? Ya. So while i have been labouring slavishly I have been watching a movie; Kingdom of Heaven.  Now first off Bailion (not sure about spelling on that one) pretty much gets handed the title of king of Jerusalem and a new wife who he, in the movie at least, sleeps with by his own choice anyway. But he turns that down saying he can't do it cause it would be morally wrong to have the old husband who is next in line for the throne killed. now this other jack-off is planning on starting a war involving hundreds of thousands of men which everyone knows they will lose leaving jerusalem undefended and threatening the lives of more thousands of city dwellers but lets not kill him to save everyone else...... Bailion is a douche! "i could save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people but that would be compromising my beliefs" but then he goes on to say he thinks god has abandoned him and whatnot. well no shit dude and the rest of the movie he is all like "we have to protect those who can't protect themselves" well they would be if you didn't let the other guy be king and screw everyone over. uggh hard to like a movie when you don't like the main character. anyway back to more art postings

-Napkin Art Hero

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