Monday 23 April 2012

Windy Day

I was having an exceptionally good day last Monday and stopped at the drake hotel to have a pint on the patio.  Well it happened to be an exceptionally windy day as well and people were losing salads, hats, menus, the whole nine yards. As a group the patio inhabitants all bonded over this and it was like a mini party it was quite fun as often times in city life everyone gets caught up in their own drama. Well I had my sketch book out and tried to capture a little bit of the spirit of the day. the cool part was that during and after the sketch I had a bit of an audience and the drawing was kind of passed around the patio. I find that 80-90 percent of life is unremarkable and predictable but if you can get the most out of that other 10-20% and really appreciate it... well for me that is what life is all about, the 10% thats exceptional.

Just a random thank you to all the people in my life who contribute to the exceptional.

-Ryan Jack

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