Monday, 23 April 2012

Windy Day

I was having an exceptionally good day last Monday and stopped at the drake hotel to have a pint on the patio.  Well it happened to be an exceptionally windy day as well and people were losing salads, hats, menus, the whole nine yards. As a group the patio inhabitants all bonded over this and it was like a mini party it was quite fun as often times in city life everyone gets caught up in their own drama. Well I had my sketch book out and tried to capture a little bit of the spirit of the day. the cool part was that during and after the sketch I had a bit of an audience and the drawing was kind of passed around the patio. I find that 80-90 percent of life is unremarkable and predictable but if you can get the most out of that other 10-20% and really appreciate it... well for me that is what life is all about, the 10% thats exceptional.

Just a random thank you to all the people in my life who contribute to the exceptional.

-Ryan Jack

The Kind Of Church I Can Get Behind

This group of napkins is from a great new apertivo bar at Queen and Dovercourt. I have a couple of good friends who work there one of whom designs their excellent cocktail menu and the other who looks excellent in a cocktail dress.  But if you live in the area I highly suggest stopping by for a great experience. if nothing else just check out the design of the bar which, surprise surprise, used to be a church.  The church website is and they can also be twitter stalked @ChurchApertivo.

-Napkin Art Hero

Documentary Still Life

Here is a hasty sketch of Mr. Nyce drawing the previous post. Ya that's right i just went Meta on ya there.  Never know what you are going to get when dealing with someone who is a napkin art hero. And now that i think about it, is it a cityscape if there is only one building?  Hmmm. Food for thought.

-Napkin Art Hero

Guest Art Again

I can not stress this enough people send me ur napkins. take a pic with your phone go to kinkos and have it scanned in use smoke signals to describe it too me whatever but lets get some variety up in here.

That being said Neddy Nyce returns by popular demand with a nice little cityscape once again he can be found at or can be twitter stalked at @2nycephoto.

-Napkin Art Hero

Pic-uh-nick Basket

Oh yogi bear. good times. never saw the new one they did recently. Wasn't Justin Timberlake BooBoo? weeeiiiird.

Also really dig this tree it worked out waaaaaay better than i thought it wood. he he get it wood not would.... come on, it wasn't thaaat bad.

-Napkin Art Hero


so ya, just realized I posted that last one before but you know what I like it so I am not gonna take it down, you are just gonna have to deal.

-Napkin Art Hero

Hey Here Is Something New

Or, you know, Not.  What can I say I like to draw roses.

-Napkin Art Hero

Bar Mistress

Random Bar Mistress bein all sexy like.

-Napkin Art Hero

More Tattooey Stuff

Yay! More tattooey stuff.  I am a big fan of triskellions the three pointed celtic star kinda thing on the top there. My Grandmother was born on The Isle of Mann and the flag has a armored leg triskellion on it. The saying that goes with the flag and emblem is "Any way you throw us we will stand." I always really enjoyed that conveys a real pride in one's ability to overcome and has always stuck with me. the other one was trying out some tattooey shading with some classic motifs.

-Napkin Art Hero

Tattoo Stylings

Lately I have been experimenting with some more tattooey stlye drawings. here are two muckity muck fooling around napkins.

-Napkin Art Hero

Upload Update

So for anyone who actually reads this blog I just felt like "getting real" with you for a moment. uploading and posting the high rez versions of this napkin art takes a little bit of time. not crazy long but enough that you get bored if you have... say... i don't know... a month's worth of backlog? Ya. So while i have been labouring slavishly I have been watching a movie; Kingdom of Heaven.  Now first off Bailion (not sure about spelling on that one) pretty much gets handed the title of king of Jerusalem and a new wife who he, in the movie at least, sleeps with by his own choice anyway. But he turns that down saying he can't do it cause it would be morally wrong to have the old husband who is next in line for the throne killed. now this other jack-off is planning on starting a war involving hundreds of thousands of men which everyone knows they will lose leaving jerusalem undefended and threatening the lives of more thousands of city dwellers but lets not kill him to save everyone else...... Bailion is a douche! "i could save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people but that would be compromising my beliefs" but then he goes on to say he thinks god has abandoned him and whatnot. well no shit dude and the rest of the movie he is all like "we have to protect those who can't protect themselves" well they would be if you didn't let the other guy be king and screw everyone over. uggh hard to like a movie when you don't like the main character. anyway back to more art postings

-Napkin Art Hero

Pizza Pizza

If you live in Ontario there is a very good chance that at some point you have eaten at a Pizza Pizza chain. I felt i could make their napkin a bit more interesting.

-Napkin Art Hero

More Game Art Sketches

The one on the top is a preliminary sketch for "Ripped Rex" going for a kinda Fabio vibe this sketch he is a little  too lean. in future versions he was beefed up considerably. The second one is for "Goth Gary" not sure if the character name will stay that however. There is another character who is an emo stereotype so i wanted the goth character to look a little harder and I like what i ended up with but he might be to "hard" for a goth might make him a skinhead or old school punk rocker or metal head or something of that nature, something with a little more grit to reflect the art direction.

-Napkin Art Hero

Old Asian Dude

Old people are more interesting to draw than young people. More lines and definition than the faces of a younger individual.  So here is a old asian dude who I saw one day in a subway.

-Napkin Art Hero

And here is some other random stuff

Some other random stuff

-Napkin Art Hero


Once you have a party you may need a place to relax from time to time.

-Napkin Art Hero

Add a dash of Sugar, Spice and everything Nice

Once you have the drinks covered it is always enjoyable
to add some lovely ladies to the mix.

-Napkin Art Hero

Let's get this party started

Starting things off with a little drink is always a fun way to get things going. As such lets start things there.

-Napkin Art Hero

Triumphant Return

Well hello there. Long time, no see. My apologies for my extended absence. it has been a busy month for me but a very good one.  the game is progressing at an excellent pace but the trade off for that is not much energy for my other creative endevors. HOWEVER! i have diligently creating and saving napkin art for your viewing pleasure in the meantime.  I have some time this week to get back on track and get some stuff up here for you guys. so get ready cause I have been napkin busy!!!!

-Napkin Art Hero

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Fruit of My Labor

OK OK clearly this was not done on a napkin.  Today however I wanted to show how helpful and awesome this whole napkin art thing is. For those of you who have read some of these posts you may know I am in the process of writing a iOS video game. Last week I posted some napkin art that I did on a few off minutes at work. The content was a couple of rough ideas for a couple characters in the game. I got some very positive feedback about 2 of my sketches and some negative feedback about one and to be fair I agreed with the negative one. The point is that this forum gave me some input on something i have been working on solo and I found it refreshing, helpful and quite honestly relieving to hear that the support was there.  So thanks for that.

From there I also wanted to give you guys a peek at what a more polished product looks like but still starts here in the sketch and test phase. Keep in mind this may not be the final character design for this dude but I am confident it is not going to change too much. Either way I thought it might be interesting for people to see the current product of this;

So again thanks in general for humouring me and allowing me this forum to test out ideas and generally have fun with it and please any and all criticism is welcome positive and negative (as long as it is still constructive).

-Napkin Art Hero

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Revenge of the Nerds

Generic Nerd!

nerds are the new rockstars. you heard it here first.

-Napkin Art Hero

Even More Concept Art

This is Leon the Lumberjack. i love his mustache. might make it even bushier for further versions. oh and i can't draw trees. The bark part and trunk not a problem but leaves and stuff noooope. but hey thats what this is for trying to learn new things and improve.

-Napkin Art Hero

p.s. such an awesome mustache.

More Video Game Concept Art

So ya there is gonna be a guy with a freaking MONOCLE. Thats right. This dude's name is Peter the Pretentious. might give him a top hat and a bow tie not sure yet but monocle for suuuure. Maybe two monocles just to make it even more outrageous.

-Napkin Art Hero

Not Quite Van Gogh

My favorite artist of all time is Vincent Van Gogh. No. Freaking. Contest. As such I tried to do a sunflower....
but didn't have a picture or any sort of reference material on hand just kind of a hazy memory of what a sunflower should look like..... wow was i wrong hahaha. But still was fun to do and i might go back to this again try and do it right. also like the clouds and shading on the vase .

-Napkin Art Hero

Hotbox Hank Prelim

I am currently working on a video game for iOS and am at the stage where I am doing some preliminary sketches and concept work for some different characters so i figured i would share some of that with you guys via some Napkin Art.

The game is a somewhat snarky game lots of satire and sarcasm as such a bunch of characters are hyped up stereotypes. This gentleman here is "Hotbox Hank"

-Napkin Art Hero


usually I tend not to draw people that I know. unless you have a lot of time to make mistakes and erase and start again I find it can be quite difficult and at the end of it whoever you drew thinks that is how you see them. All in all it is a lot of pressure and i try to avoid it as much as possible.

That being said here is one of the security guard I work with lol. And at the end of the day he was happy with the results so all's well that ends well. :)

-Napkin Art Hero

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Broken Logic

Woot another guest submission by non other than Eddy Jack, my Father.

-Napkin Art Hero

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Awesome Day

So ya today is the 7th of March and its fricken beautiful out. So I'd just like to give a shout out to the weather for being awesome today.

-Napkin Art Hero

Yellow Submarine

Brings new definition to the term Sub Sandwich hurr hurrr.

-Napkin Art Hero

Monday, 5 March 2012

Dining Room Rose

Rose chillin out on someone's dining room table. Just doin what roses do.

-Napkin Art Hero

Champagne Showers

Bottle Turned out well. Champagne blast needs a little work. But damn if it doesn't make you wanna partay.

-Napkin Art Hero

Lock Stock and Two Smoki.... Oh wait.. no, just Lock

But seriously thats a great movie. I always find it fun to add a little texture to something simple make something ordinary really pop.

-Napkin Art Hero

Jager Bombbbs!

Note to self; Never draw plaid on a napkin again. sooo time consuming without ripping the napkin to shreds. I like how the drinks and bar turned out though. Also Jager Bombs FTW.

-Napkin Art Hero

Wavy Hair

In the same vein as the last post this one was about trying something new. trying to get my hair to look a little more 3 dimensional. so putting the hair in overlapping contour sections. Turned out nicely in some areas not so much in others definitely worth more experimenting though.

-Napkin Art Hero

Burning Man!!!

The fun thing about this blog is getting to try new things in a pretty stress free environment. so this particular one I was trying out different flame ideas and some different shadowing than I normally use.

-Napkin Art Hero

Elephant In The Darkness

Post title sounds like a Val Kilmer Movie lol. This one was done by a friend of mine Christina. Its an Elephant practicing its ninja skills... Cause you know elephants are actually all really good ninjas.

-Napkin Art Hero


Trying to get better at drawing turntables. the first one i drew was harder than i thought it would be still needs more work.

-Napkin Art Hero

some guy chillin

this dude is chillin like a villain

-Napkin Art Hero

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Still Looking For More

As much as I like sharing my art with you all I would also like to see what other people do with their napkins. So please send me some stuff to post on your behalf.

-Napkin Art Hero

The city that I Lurv


Love this city

-Napkin Art Hero

Damn you welker for missing that pass

So ya super bowl. Good times. Except for the whole Giants winning thing. And before that the Giants beating my glorious 49ers.  Oh well you win some you lose some.

But a quick shout out to the Elephant and Castle on king for hosting one hell of a good time second year going there for the SB and might be a yearly tradition going forward.

-Napkin Art Hero

Total Request Live

I could fill up this space with lyrics from songs about DJs but lets get some reader interaction up in this piece. use the comment area to put up your favorite DJ related songs and lyrics.

-Napkin Art Hero